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Advantages of Using Mediation to Resolve Divorce Issues

Mediation is a process that has gained widespread popularity in resolving various conflicts, including divorce. Mediation offers several potential advantages that can make it a preferable option for couples seeking an amicable and efficient dissolution of their marriage. By discussing issues before a qualified third party, spouses can find common ground on matters such as Read More

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What to Look for When Hiring a Lawyer for Your Michigan Divorce

Navigating a divorce can be an emotionally and legally trying process, and one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is choosing the lawyer who will represent your interests. A capable lawyer can take the workload off your shoulders so that you can focus on other things that are important, like supporting your family and Read More

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What Are the 10 Steps to a Michigan Divorce?

A divorce, like any type of court case, must follow certain procedures. Depending on whether the divorce is agreed to or contested, the process can be simple and quick or complex and protracted. If you’re planning to dissolve your marriage, you can make reasoned decisions based on having an understanding of what procedural steps lie Read More

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Advantages of Divorce Mediation Over Litigation

Some divorce cases turn into bitter, stressful and expensive court battles that can last for months or even years. However, most divorces can be resolved without a struggle if the spouses reach an agreement on essential matters, such as child custody, child support, spousal support and property division. One effective tool for forging such an Read More

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How to Prepare Yourself for a Divorce in Michigan

The sadness and turmoil of ending a relationship can easily distract a person from the objective focus needed during a divorce. Common mistakes include treating a divorce like a competition or rushing to resolve issues in hopes of getting the process over with. A thoughtful, strategic approach to your divorce can save you time, money Read More

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How Do Child Custody and Parenting Time Settlements Deal with Holidays?

Having to miss holidays with your child due to shared custody can be a difficult reality to face, but with a carefully prepared parenting plan, you can still be there for the important ones. The State of Michigan and Oakland County, along with many other counties, provide model parenting time guidelines. The “best practices” included Read More

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What Happens at a Michigan Mediation Hearing?

Compared to traditional litigation, mediation is often less time-consuming, more cost-effective and more civil. In addition, participants have a better opportunity for their voices and perspectives to be considered. The mediation process can be used to address a wide range of civil disputes, including those related to divorce. In fact, the majority of divorces in Read More

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    101 W Big Beaver Rd
    Suite 1400
    Troy, Michigan 48084
    Phone: 586-514-0084
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  • "Dave Dawson was very helpful and informative. He is a no nonsense kind of attorney that gets results. I would recommend to a friend."  --J.L.

  • "Mr. Dawson, Brilliant work! Yesterday I still couldn’t believe you actually brought me back to life and thinking back how you did your best – brilliant – thank you!"  --Holger K.

  • "Dear David, Thanks so much for everything! You have done so much for me these last couple of months! I am eternally grateful."  --Ryann M.

  • "David, I really appreciate being able to refer clients who can benefit from your knowledge and experience. Thank you,"  --Jon Corbin